Saturday, September 20, 2014

"Can God have a son?"

I'm so happy I happened upon the perfect answer to the question, "Can God have a son?"

precious feet

Photo credit: kamuelaboy from

There are those who object, discredit and disbelieve Jesus as deity because they get tripped up on
how can Jesus be the Son of God.

Long before the Earth and Man came into being, God know Man would stumble
into sin. With sin in the picture, this brought the need of a perfect way of removing that 'filthy' sin which would be the 'Fall of Man' and be the 'impenetrable wall' separating Man, now filthy because of sin, from a just, perfect and holy God.   (Sin and holiness do not mingle)

God did not want Sin and the 'penalty of sin' to be the finality of Man. In other words, God did and does not want our demise to be due to our disobedience, (even thought it's what we deserve for disobeying God, he loves us more than we deserve to be loved).
What a loving, merciful, heavenly Father we have.

Read the brief explanation and click to listen to the sermon.

Become enlightened with the knowledge of truth, and then you too, can answer any one's questions about how can God have a son.

Spoiler alert- God came to our rescue.

 Make sure to listen to the sermon on this.

The above link, the "Fall of Man" contains good info on the 'Tree of Life' and the 'Tree of Knowledge of Goodness and Evil'.

My journey on straight and narrow path is such a wonderful a walk, I don't want to be on any other.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Repertoire and reserve

Last week Joan Molinsky, commonly know as Joan Rivers, breathed her last breath.

I came across the term, 'Repertoire and reserve', while reading an article explaining the throat procedure surgery that presented complications for Ms. Rivers.

Any kind of surgery poses stress upon the body.
Surgery comes with unpredictable complications, and more so for an older person because of diminished 'repertoire and reserve'.
I guess diminished 'repertoire and reserve' refers to the weakened inner strength needed to overcome or cope with stress introduced to the body by any surgical procedure.

Joan Rivers was born in 1933. She had reached her 81st birthday.
She had lived fourscore years.

Psalms 90:10 reads that God limited man's lifespan.

God, in His infinite, perfect wisdom pulled back the years of Man's lifespan from 800 or 900 carnal years to 80 years. Some are blessed with strength to breathe on past 960 months. If you live to 100, that's 1200 months.

Surgical procedure or not, it may have been Ms. River's time.

List of 100 people verified living a long time.

God has power over death, not Man. 

Diminishing 'repertoire and reserve' is built into DNA.
The body becomes weaker and can't tolerate or handle 'stress' as it formerly did.

I hope the clinic where her throat procedure was performed and the medical staff are found to have performed all medical procedures as dictated by the medical establishment.

I'm sure no medical personnel intentionally desired to do anything wrong or harmful to Ms. Rivers.

It's most likely that Joan had reached her allotted number of days.
She must have undergone plenty of plastic surgeries to her face to give herself a youthful appearance. But none of that can change the fact that when it's your time to depart, one can't do much to change that..

I have a feeling Ms. Rivers was keenly aware of her mortality and she was grateful for her life and her talent for making people laugh.

She will be missed by many.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Contemplating more about Jesus, Part 2

Jesus left us with so much to contemplate and digest.
Jesus came to Earth giving us a body, a face, a model so-to-speak, of what God the Father is like.

The Son of God was the perfect sacrifice for Man's sins

Photo credit: jorgeyu from

How can Jesus speak of God and also be God?
That has been a puzzling question I've wondered about for years.
The best I've come to understand is while Jesus was on Earth, he demonstrated to us how we are to
have respect and reverence to the Holy Father. While he was walking amongst us, he was fully a man, with emotions, feelings of hunger and thirst, bleeding when punctured, etc, but he was also of the Holy Spirit, meaning he concurrently retained his godliness while in his temporary human body form.

Remember, John 1:1, in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
I take this to mean always Jesus and God were One. They are one in the same.
And, John 1:14 reads the Word was made flesh, meaning God was made flesh and we know his name to be Jesus who came from the Father, and Jesus is full of grace and truth.

Though not a perfect example, I can't think of any thing giving a closer example to an Earthly 'one-ness' than marriage. Marriage is two people united together in the sight of God becoming one, sharing the same name, the same household, the same goals, the same life.

The Holy Trinity

There is a hierarchy in the unity of three.
 The Holy Trinity is comprised of the three persons of the holy God. Each attribute or person is God and each is holy, and each distinction of the Trinity has a distinct role or functioning in unification.

I like how Charles Stanley explains the roles of the Trinity. (creates, implements and administers the plan)

Jesus came to bring glory to the Father. While on Earth, he mission was to point us to the Heavenly Father and to put a 'face' on the invisible God for us to have a model to see, hear, and touch. He was submissive and obedient in his mission to give glory to the Father.  Jesus while on Earth in a human form, he was also still God the Son. He was both God and man.
And, Jesus came to purchase our freedom from spiritual death which we should rightly pay for the sins we've done against a holy, and righteous God.

Could Jesus be both God and man?

Is there any thing what-so-ever out of the realm of God to do?  Of course not.
Our finite minds may have a hard time wrapping our thoughts around Jesus being God. From the beginning this was The master plan for our good. God had to become the sacrifice in order to satisfy God for all of Mans' sins. Nothing less would do and there was no sinless person. God had to step  down from heaven and become a man to be the pure, sinless acceptable sacrifice once and for all mankind who'd want him to be their Savior.  And it has been done. Only thing remaining is for you to accept that he was who he said he was and accept his love and what he did for you upon the cross at Calvary so you can enjoy eternal life.

The Father glorifies the Son, whom we must go through to access the Father.

The Holy Spirit dwells within the hearts of believers giving direct communication/heart talk/ understanding/spiritual counseling connection between the believer, God the Father and Jesus the Lord God.

Jesus prayed (John 17:1-25) mentioning multiple times that he had glory with God before the world was created and that he and God are one.

The voice from the clouds, (the voice of God) spoke Jesus was his Son and whom He was well-pleased.
I would say this is confirmation from God the Father to His Son.

More scriptures in Matthew, John and 1John. (God and Jesus are One)

 Jesus is the God-way to the heavenly, Father God. The Holy Spirit is the God within for our personal God- teacher and heart consciousness helping us with how to conduct and think and live the way fitting to God.

Jesus, the Messiah came and the world hasn't been the same.
Jesus changed so many lives and because of him, any person accepting him as being the
Son of God and their Lord and Savior, surely gets a new life ( in many ways) and can expect a glorious life in the eternal future.
Until then, all believers have the Holy Spirit as our personal God within to help us to righteousness and point us to Jesus and to the heavenly Father.

Jesus hung on the cross to give us hope and life

Photo credit: LittleJack from

Want to get rid of what will keep you out of heaven?  (What to do to get through the gates)

I shall keep contemplating more and more about my wonderful Jesus, my Lord, my God.