Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Spoiler Alert- All in due time

The human viewpoint is mainly from the perspective of the 'hear and now', or from where we stand, on what we know about things from what we've seen or heard during our lifetime.
That's our problem.

Our perspective is actually ultra-limited and confined. Most are unaware that the 'unseen' (spiritual) is responsible and behind what our physical eyes see.

Most are blindfolded to the thing concerning the Spirit

Photo credit: tcatcarson from morguefile.com

God, who is Divine Holy Spirit, has His plan all laid out and it's going according to the way He already, because He's omnipotent, knows how it's all going to proceed. And, thank God He is so patient about not hurrying up time any faster so more Jewish people can hear the gospel and come
to know of their Messiah).

God is not affected by the passage of time

Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com

Have you ever read a book before seeing the movie? You have a pretty good idea of the plot and already know ahead of time how the plot and story is going to end for the characters. This also means no matter how much we know or not know, agree or disagree about the end times, our opinions can't change the plot one bit. But you can change where you end up.
His Word is our 'spoiler alert'. (read and study the Bible so you know the ending and won't be caught off guard and regret for the rest of eternity)

What we can do is make plans to be either saved or unsaved, which could mean if you're alive when Christ returns, you would either be raptured or left behind. And until Jesus returns you can either spread the good news there's still time to get saved, or you can keep the good news to yourself.  Those are your choices in the matter of these last days.

All which is transpiring in the Middle East, where God's plan using the Hebrew people began to bring about the Law, which from their history we see no one, not even the Jews can keep all the Law. The Law was meant to be a precursor of something better to come, a new Judaism, so to speak. The prophets recorded things which we can read about, and prophesied, about the coming Messiah, who was to be the One to save them. This area of the world is most likely where it's all going to crescendo and we can read about it and the history of this place and why there's so much conflict there. It's representative of the spiritual battle raging between the forces of good and evil.  All in due time.

The ground work, the players, the tension...it's all accumulating and lining up for the last stanza.
God is not caught off guard. This is His baby. This is His song. His master plan. It's been long in the works and trucking along all in due time.

It took centuries, meer nanoseconds in God-time, for all the players and the circumstances to line up so Jesus could fulfill prophesy and be born at the time and place foretold long ago.

The current world events are part of the line-up of circumstances so that Jesus can come again and take the Church out of here.

Christians have nothing to fear. We won't be here when the anti-Christ comes to power. (Click on History, then Israel, then World).

The world is getting set for the anti-Christ to come onto the scene.


There will be more and more occurrences of people choosing a sinful lifestyle of lusting after the desires of their flesh and turning their backs to anyone or anything having to do with righteousness
or righteous living. This is one of the signs we're entering into the last days.

Israel has to be a Nation. This happened in1948.
The gospel must be preached throughout the whole world.  This is happening with missionaries and mass communication just about in every country.
Knowledge and travel must increase. We have this with computers, the Internet, and air flight.

Digital instant information devices

Photo credit: crass from morguefile.com
A "falling away." of local churches and society in general. We have this with the help of false prophets, false doctrine, even churches that deny Christ. And we're seeing the legalization of same sex marriages and hearing of sex trafficking and adults raping children, all described as perversions. Those who find reason to delight in their perversions, they do not wish to be told anything contrary. They want others to be completely tolerant, and silenced to saying anything negative about their lifestyle. They want to practice their sin freely and legally without any associated guilt or retribution.

Same-sex marriages

Photo credit: mensatic from morguefile.com

And, people in general will exhibit these characteristics and attitudes.
And finally, there must be wars, rumors of wars, violence, rioting in the daytime, and anti-Semitism to the degree of wanting Israel wiped off the face of the Earth.


God's Word has told us what to look for and what to do. But first you must be converted from an enemy to a friend of God.  No matter how much you've sinned, you can receive forgiveness and atonement and have your name written in the Book of Life and be headed for your heavenly home instead of damnation.

What the Bible says about sex.

Sex was created and is a gift from God for intimacy between a husband and wife within a marriage relationship, which He also created. Sex represents the coming together of two flesh into one, for procreation, for enjoyment and for protecting the bond of marriage. When sex is practiced outside these boundaries, it represents the depravity within us.

 2Timothy 3:16-17. Key words----reproof, correction and profitable, doctrine, instruction, perfect, good works. 

(Take time to read for yourself about the promises God gave to Israel).

You've been alerted to the Spiritual viewpoint. God always keeps His promises.

The clock's a tickin', in human and spiritual time,

What are you going to be doing?

As for me, I'm on my journey, steady and sure along that narrow, straight path leading to my shining Savior. Peace.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The biggest argument is solved

We all have our beginnings of development within our Mother's womb. Mankind has had a fascination about what was before we came on the scene. We question that which we can't see. We search for answers. We form conclusions and think we have the answers.  Does God exist?

Jesus, the Righteous Judge, will be upon his seat for every unsaved person to face

Photo credit: kconnors from morguefile.com
There have been some interesting arguments on this subject of how the world and the universe came about. Did God create it? Does He exist? Who can answer and who can answer correctly?

God tells us what's important for us to know. And that's all we really need to know. Other than that is purely guess work and imagination to satisfy our 'need-to-know and our egos.

No one can come back from eons ago, and all the scientific data is gathered from man-designed instruments. There are space stations and cameras floating about in outer-space, but they can only record the present. What happened long ago, is out of our reach and I will say we have enough to be concerned about right now in the present. Isn't it more important to be feeding the hungry and helping the hurting and needy people living right now?

I came across some interesting and informative writings on the proof that God exists.

These 6 reasons the author of this article writes can't be argued against if one has the least bit of common sense.

View this video detailing and describing 5 reasons God exists and Jesus was God in the flesh.
The last two minutes sum it up best.

If I ignored and refused to believe any of the above arguments, I'd have to conclude God exists because I'm breathing and living. Some divine force has to be at work allowing me to exist because I have nothing to do with making my lungs work or my brain function, or digest my food, or anything. My internal functions operate automatically. I am designed by a master creator.

My conclusion is we have a sovereign, loving and patient God. He could force us to love him and believe, but He decided to not violate the free will  He gave to us. It is our choice to believe or not to believe.

Those with eyes to see and ears to hear, God speaks clearly and lovingly of His presence.  Jesus came for us so we can relate to an  unseen God.

When you see Jesus, you've seen the essence of God. And He so desires to have a relationship with you. And he loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you so your sins can be forgiven.

 The biggest lie you can believe is that God does not exist and that He sent you a way to restore rightful standing with him. That would be just what the enemy of God would have you believe.

Our only way back to good graces with the Heavenly Father in through Jesus, who gave his life so
 all who believe upon him will live. And I'm talking about spiritual life. Our flesh will cease, but our spirits will live forever.  We were created in God's everlasting, spiritual image.  Heaven is for those who have chosen to have faith that Jesus is the Son of God and by his death on the Cross, his blood and death satisfied God as payment for your sins.

Just pray to God and tell Him you know you can't pay the price for your sins against Him. You need a Savior and you trust and believe Jesus came and died for your sins and you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and thank him for giving you life and hope and a new direction. You are pasted from death to life just like that. Jesus did all the work. All you have to do is ask and believe. If you want to thank God, live for Christ. And to live for Christ, read His Holy Word and see what the Holy Spirit has for you. It's a journey that will lead to great things and best of all, the best is yet to come!!!!!

Yes, God exists!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Christ-mas story from the beginning

 I've heard that some people believe Confucius or Buddha were teaching the philosophy of peace and love and expounding words of wisdom long before Jesus. Life of Buddha compared to Jesus.

Lights, carols, gifts, & trees-just a portion in celebrating the Reason for the Season

Photo credit: NikiNoon from morguefile.com

Allow me to shed some all revealing, bright light-of-truth on this matter.
God had long ago, prior to any men and prior to anything we know, had preparations already in the works to present His most precious gift of peace to mankind at His predetermined time. 

The Christ-mas story was in the making before God created Man.

The greatest story on Earth is the Christmas story- every thing leading up to the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, and the greatest miracle that ever happened on Earth when a part of God became an innocent human baby boy, and who would grow as a normal male child and show and teach how we ought to live and demonstrate what God, the Father, is like and what he expects of us. His life, ministry, teachings, miracles, and his death were recorded so we can today read, study, learn and know what his mission was and why, and so we'd know why his life, death and resurrection are important to every soul in the world.

Keep Christ in Christmas and in your heart for real peace, love & joy

Photo credit: ronnieb from morguefile.com
The miracle of Christmas is that no matter how awful mankind sinned against a loving, holy,  sovereign God, God's plan had long been in motion through every generation until the set time with the sole purpose of redemption, providing mankind with a means upon which to be pardoned from the curse of spiritual death and be set free to enjoy life forever.
God's plan to send his Son, whom we call Jesus, to bear all penalty for all sin upon himself was God's masterful plan long before Man even was.

Jesus is God's peace-offering to us as a way to return to right and peaceful standing with our heavenly Father.

The spirit of Christmas is love, joy, peace, and giving.
This person writes about rediscovering the meaning of Christmas.
These gifts from our heavenly Father are given to us, all wrapped up in His Son, Jesus.
Jesus was presented to the world as a babe in a manger, surrounded by his Earthly parents, animals and shepherds. Jesus came to serve and save us from having to suffer the penalty of death we deserve, and through him we can enjoy the spirit of love, joy and peace forever.

Confucius and Buddha philosophised ABOUT peace, but the Prince of Peace- is Jesus, and we get peace like none other only from him.

In all the activities during the last month of the year, if you haven't already, this is the perfect time to accept 'The Gift.'
It's His gift to save your soul and redeem you back to righteous and peaceful standing with Him.
You may accept his gift at any time by opening your heart and accepting Jesus.
Jesus is THE best gift you can ever receive.

The gift of Jesus is the gift of life that never stops giving or loving
Photo credit: cohdra from morguefile.com

Christmas-time is celebrating the glorious miracle of the birth of the Christ-child, the long awaited Messiah, the Savior, which took place despite insurmountable odds.

God so loved the world, even long before we would know we would need Jesus, God knew.
 It takes belief and faith to receive this 'above and beyond' gift from God because his gift is 'above and beyond' what any man could have ever envisioned.
 From beginning to end, the long-in-the-works story of Jesus' coming has fingerprints of God all through it.  It truly is a wonderful and marvelous story come true!

Christ-our Savior-is-born!

A child was born, a Son was given

Photo credit: xenia from morguefile.com
More history of Christmas and how customs came about.

Until next time,
I'm celebrating Jesus in my life- the best gift there ever was to be received!
May your Christ-mas be equally joyful and meaningful!