Easter Sunday is what it's normally called. I recall it was one of two Sundays of the year when people would find their way to attending church. Christmas, or the Sunday closest to Christmas was the other day that churches would be packed to capacity. I would see folks I hadn't seen in a while and see all the seating in the sanctuary filled with warm bodies and families together. The singing of hymns sounded different with more voices on those Sundays, too. It was nice. It was exciting. But now days, even those two Sundays of the year have also been pushed back by work schedules, or tiredness, or laziness, or the cost of gasoline, or no Sunday clothes to wear, or a dozen other excuses, or just plain not wanting to be in church even these two important Christian holiday which Christians gather together to celebrate the birth of our Savior in December, and in the Spring called Easter Sunday or
Resurrection Sunday remembering our Savior was crucified for our sins, then three days later was resurrected the victor for mankind, and is alive interceding for us right now, having defeated the power of death and sin. Praise Jesus forever more. He didn't have to come and die. He could have changed His mind. I am so thankful He chose to sacrifice Himself for me, for all of us. He showed His love in the most profound way that I will forever be thanking Him. Jesus came to save us and to make all things possible for us to have the ultimate victory over Satan. Without Jesus we would have no hope at all. We would have nothing good to look forward to. We would have no friend in heaven on our side. We would not be heirs to God's kingdom. As I think about it, the best we would ever have is the temporary things we have now, then, when upon taking your last breath on Earth, from then on, it would be nothing but hell with a capital H. But, thank God and thank Jesus, that is not my future. The future of anyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior is going to be the best future. Without a doubt. It will be more than you or I can even dream or imagine. In gloried bodies, and no time limitations, or death or sorrow, or pain, it will be absolutely out of this world wonderful!
Chose Jesus! It's the most important decision in your entire life.
He arose, He is alive, He is in heaven, He will return, He is the Son of God. He loves you.
A warm invitation to ask Jesus into your heart, the one hope for life & heaven |
Photo credit:
grafixar from
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naturaltobehealthy.blogspot.com and
Keeping along the road of faith with the Son's warmth shining upon my face.
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