I was thinking,
love is what everyone's searching for? We all want it, need it, thrive on it. Has
love become what we seek for ourselves, but not what we always want to give to our fellow man? Has
love become such a fleeting emotion or choice? It seems it's so easy to dislike or find fault in others, but not so easy to
love others who may be a little different in what they believe or different in how they look.
Everyday it's feeling more and more like Fall in the air. The leaves are starting to fall and the air is a bit cooler and less humid.
The seasons change. But God's love never changes. |
Photo credit:
hotblack from
I'm studying about
love in the Bible, I Corinthians,Chapter 13. When I read this chapter, I always receive a deeper meaning of this
love. The type of love that never fails, which has made me think about
religion in current news events. I'm well aware there are other religions besides what I practice, but my heart is saddened when I see unkind treatment to people associated with religion? What kind of
love keeps a gender subdued, confined or limited? How could the God someone worships not call for
love to all? I just don't understand. Women want to be loved unconditionally. I am not going to hate anyone who doesn't accept the religion or God I serve and worship. I am so pleased that my God loves unconditionally both men and women equally. Because God loves us and shows us His love in everything, we are to
love our neighbor, that means all people. The entire message of the Bible is about love. God is love. And when we find that special person to
love, we are to love them with another type of love one has for their spouse which binds them and their hearts together as one. That love should endure as well.
I believe God created man and woman to be together to love each other and be fruitful and multiply. This is God's idea of family. Anything else is not the designed
family that God intended. A baby should grow up in a loving environment and see Mother and Father display unconditional love towards each other.
Father, Mother and child |
Photo credit:
presto44 from
But getting deeper on the love in I Corinthians, Chapter 13, is the type of love many of us may never experience from the people around us- called unconditional
love. Oh, we want others to have that kind of love for us, because that kind of love is not changed by circumstances or situations, or what bad might be going on at the moment. This kind of love is extra special, almost extinct now. Unconditional love is not the here today and fade away tomorrow kind of love. This love is the I'd-give-my-life-for-you-kind of love. This is the love God has for us. God sent His precious Son, a part of himself in the flesh, to die a gruesome death in full public view. God and sin don't mix. All men and women have sinned and are sinners. Sin is disobedience against God, so
Jesus took your place by dying for you. His dying was displaying the depth of his love, unconditional love, so your sins are wiped clean away, and you don't have to die. Your soul will be able to enter heaven. No sin can enter heaven so it has to be cleansed away, and
Jesus did that for you, but you must believe it to have your sins forgiven. I don't know about your
faith, but has your God shown unconditional love for you? The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has cleared the way so the only two things you need to do is believe and accept his free gift? You don't have to work, or prove anything, or be perfect or perform anything. All you have to do is simply by faith believe and accept that God's love was sent in the body of Jesus, His Son, who died for your sins, and you, a sinner, by faith accept into your heart this free gift. It really is that simple. Then God's gift of unconditional love will live in your heart, and can then be displayed to others. Once you know what unconditional love is, you can share it. It's the greatest thing to experience and to share.
With Jesus in your heart, you can do it. And it's the greatest thing.
We know how to love because of God's love for us |
Photo credit:
taliesin from
It's a matter of the heart and the
heart has to be reborn to really know what unconditional love is. When you accept Jesus, you're born anew, reborn, saved.
Bleeding Heart |
Photo credit:
ren from
P.S. Love is what took
Jesus to the cross.
Love is what kept him on the cross until he fulfilled his mission. Love is what raised Jesus from the dead. Love is what will fill your heart when you accept Jesus into your heart by faith. You see,
love never fails. Love is what will prevail in heaven, not hate. God is
love. And love never fails. Get it?
In heaven there will be no need for hope and faith because Jesus will be there. Love will fill heaven.
Read I Corinthians Chapter 13, and I John 4:7-21, and Romans 10:9
Until next time, I'm putting my best face toward the Son.
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