Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Marriage Bed

There is a short passage mentioning marriage in the Bible which reads...  Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (Hebrew 13:4).  This passage is nestled between remembering those in prison, and do not to fall in love with money.  The marriage bed. God places importance upon the bed to be shared with a man and his wife for good reason. God's design for marriage is sacred and should not be violated. If violated, God, in His infinite wisdom, sees fit to judge those who don't listen.  And, His righteous judgment of when and how He will judge is totally at His discretion.

God's Word says He will judge persons who commit adultery and all who are sexually immoral.

                            The bed

Photo credit: kahle from morguefile.com
In this day and age, no matter what others are saying, or how many millions are doing their thing contrary to the Word of God, be mindful that God and His Word should be heeded for your own good.

Here is a site you can visit to see what God's Word tells of sexual immorality.

Is what you're doing pleasing to God according to his Holy Word?  If not,  stop and ask God for forgiveness and ask the Lord to forgive your sins and help you refrain from doing what will bring judgement upon yourself.  God is so loving and wants to save you from all unrighteousness. And Jesus is the answer.

View this video. It's very good and right on in explaining how to get saved for those who need help.

Finally, it's a good feeling to make peace with God, through Jesus.  In or out of the marriage bed, this is the way to freedom and peace like no other.  And remember, it's a spiritual relationship. Having your spirit and heart aligned with God is most important. Keep it pure.

Until next time, faithfully following Him on that narrow road.

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