Lust of the flesh is our weakness causing us to sin against God. |
Our carnal mind controls our fleshly desires, and is VERY STRONG! Satan doesn't have to work very hard to get Man to do anything if he can dangle it in our faces while making it sound and look so tantalizing, irresistible and appealing, that we begin craving it and believing we can't live without it. Our flesh is very selfish, and ever so hungry for more. Our flesh does not enjoy being denied. Our flesh wants to be satisfied again and again because it never stays satisfied. Our flesh wants what it wants, and it wants it now. It's the flesh that causes us to sin. Now, there's nothing at all wrong with feeling good and wanting nice things. However, when that is the driving force, you are not being spiritually minded. Satan is very pleased when we're not spiritually minded. He wants our attention to be far from the things of God or the Spirit. The adversary and our flesh are at odds with things of God, because God is Spirit. And our spirits, when not saved, are at odds with our carnal, fleshly bodies. But when you ask Jesus into your heart, by taking and trusting Jesus as you Savior and Lord, the Holy Spirit quickens your spirit to become alive and connected with the Spirit of God. You've become spiritually born, which is called being born again. Your spirit nature is now alive inside you which was dormant before. But not until we leave this fleshly body will we be free from the constant pull of our fleshly desires of our old nature. It does take effort and prayer to knock the old nature back down from time to time, but before being 'saved' you obeyed your carnal self without any regard to things of the Spirit at all. Satan places appealing things in front of our 'weak flesh' to get our eyes off God on a constant basis. Satan prefers Man to desire anything and everything contrary to God. Satan's sin has gotten himself a special place designed for him and his gang, and I don't think it's designed for pleasure or relaxation for any demon or human spirit. Satan is the master of covertness in leading many people away from the things of God. Man would rather accept Satan's deception and lies rather than believe God's truth and love. Satan has lead many blindly into the frying pan by appealing fleshly lusts and desires. Sadly, many continue to ignore the fire under the frying pan which is slowly getting hotter and hotter. Over time, when your flesh is continually gratified, you become accustomed to sin and you're not wanting to leave your residence in the frying pan. Some even want the heat turned up to be hotter. Ouch!
The old frying pan is getting hotter- are you in it? |
You see, with everyone wanting to gratify their own flesh, the world has changed for the worst. Yes, there are more people in the world than there were centuries ago, but it's more prevalent with each generation the alteration from the traditional father/mother design of raising family and it's resulting effects; addictions caused by weaknesses to refrain from harmful substances and practices; children being exposed to grown up things long before they're adult or mature; marriages failing and ending for selfish reasons after vowing and promising to honor and cherish for better or worse; illegal drug use is rampant and has become the ruin of so many lives and families, but the flesh overlooks that fact but because the flesh wants what that drug provides, never mind the damage it's gonna do to your brain and body; and the list goes on and on with all types of crime, gluttony, and seemingly no conscious thought that the action is harming or detrimental to themselves and others.
That pretty trap is to snare you prevent you from escaping- you're dead |
Photo credit: marykbaird from
Our flesh is 'selfish' ,'self-seeking', and often 'self-centered'. When our flesh wants something, it's gotta have it and will walk over anything and anyone in it's way in order to satisfy itself. No wonder prisons are busting full; no wonder we're so mixed up about what's morally right and wrong; no wonder man wants laws changed to make his immoral actions be legal; no wonder Man wants to take God out of everything so he won't have to be reminded of God at all; no wonder the pursuit of more and more money is the driving determination for getting ahead in life; no wonder adults have turned to satisfy their lusts using children, and 'sex sells' everything. Man has literally given God the boot. To the flesh, satisfying itself IS right. To the flesh, what it wants IS right. And Satan has helped man devise and come up with every excuse to make sure Man is continually thinking and believing what feels good to the flesh is RIGHT. Satan is smiling because his deceptions are still working well at keeping Man focused on his flesh (carnal) and not the things of God (spiritual).
Your carnal flesh is usually at odds with your spirit and the things of God |
Photo credit: charmaineswart from
What's tempting your flesh causing you to disobey God? |
Photo credit: clarencetey from
God's plan involves nothing which will hurt us. Following Satan leads us down the road to destruction and devastation. Because Satan fell from grace, he wants to take as many of God's precious creation (mankind) way down with him.
It's up to you. God gives you and I every chance to decide which road you want to travel. Satan's road is a super highway, and continued traveling on it with the masses will take you to a dark destination. Is your flesh so weak that you don't care at all where your soul will be forever? The way that God has for you is not bad at all. It's full of joy and contentment to the flesh and very satisfying beyond description, but, without hurting yourself and within safe protected boundaries God has laid down for his creation. Like a parent protecting their child by warning them to not play in the street. Don't you know God is loving enough to know and meet your every need? But most of all, when you stay on the narrow road now, this destination leads to the best that's ahead in heaven for your soul. So, it's your choice. Continue being 'pegged' and follow Satan's way to satisfy yourself and contend with all the dangers doing it the selfish, fleshly way, or follow God's way of having your needs met without the perils, but within his hedge of protection, and then look forward to your soul residing in splendor beyond description in heaven?
Question I've pondered- Is my flesh causing me to sin against God? To really know the answer, I went to the source to see what God's Word reads to know what He has to say about this. The Bible is not the easiest to read, but everything's there to find with some effort. And I'm not taking anyone else's word about it unless I know for darn sure they know God's Word better than I do. I'd rather find out for myself and I think everyone should do likewise as well.
Video about how to walk in the spirit
Ponder and act on this- If you chose to not be reborn, you can't be any way but carnal minded. You're spiritually dead, so there's no way you can see things of God? God is Spirit. Not until you accept Jesus as you Lord and Savior, are you spiritually alive. In an instant, you're made alive spiritually, your sins are forgiven, and you're made an heir to the promises of God. Those are all spiritual gifts you receive from God. Accept Jesus and receive life. If you die( this is the first death) without having accepted Jesus, your spirit cannot reside in heaven, but rather Hell, then later the Lake of Fire to always be exiled from the presence of God, which is the second death. Born again Christians will not experience that hot, hellish second death, because they are promised by God a mansion in heaven for their glorified bodies.
We're spiritual beings created in the likeness of God, residing right now living in fleshly bodies, and we have a soul-three parts making us whole. Satan focuses on the flesh.
Video on the origin of Satan, the author of sin, and what he's about,
BONUS- God made a way and the way is recorded, written by Spirit inspired men, kept and passed down so even today anyone can read about the great story of God's love for all mankind in the Holy Bible, starting with Adam and Eve, and on down to Abraham, Issiac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Israel, Esther, and so on.
Exercise your power of choice to accept God's gift and your ultimate destination
What's important in eternity is our spirit. Now that you know this, resolve to stop allowing satan to have you "pegged".
Check out these scripture references for yourself: 1 Cor 5:44; 1 Cor :17; Titus 3:3; 1 Peter 1:13-16; 2Peter 1:4; 1John:2:16-17; Romans 5:12,19-21; 8:1,3,9,13;13:14; Gal 5:16, Matthew 6:13