Friday, January 7, 2011

Not stepping on toes about homosexuality

What say you-have you chosen to live a homosexual lifestyle?  I've wondered about this, and for God's word on the subject I went to the manual for living- The Bible. I find it amazing this choice of sexual orientation was even a subject written about in the Bible. Apparently, it must be important for there to be multiple scripture references.  I like what some have written on homosexuality on several sites citing several Bible scripture. God's Word states it's a sin, homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God, and God sees homosexuality as an abomination. His Word plainly states homosexuality is a sin and an abomination. So why would He create someone to be of this orientation? He can't have created Man to naturally want to do what's an abomination and a sin if He wants no soul to perish. How can that be?

Homosexual & gay pride, colorful, but God's Word says 'not'
Photo credit: chattiekathie from

As a Christian, God says we're to love people, but hate the sin. All I know is I want to inherit all that God has for me now and in heaven. I do try to follow as best I can His Word for living. I'm not, nor ever can be perfect while in this physical body, but I do want and strive to please God with my life with my actions and my heart. I don't wish anyone's actions to be to be thought of as an abomination by God. He is our Creator and through and by Him is the source of all good things. Wouldn't that get someone thinking about pleasing Him rather than doing what's  an abomination to Him? God lovingly allows us to make our own personal choices. He given that to us and He won't violate our will. However, there are consequences to our choices. Some consequences come early, some come later, but consequences will come. There's no escape from the consequences of sin. If someone lovingly revealed to me that I was doing something which was going to bring dreadful, eternal consequences, I'd seriously reconsider what I was doing. Call me old-fashion, but I do think about consequences.

Not stepping on any toes

Photo credit: bluekdesign from

Could it be some people don't know what's God position on homosexuality? God is so very patient and loving and doesn't want a single soul to perish into the Lake of Fire. That's why we have His Word to guide us and His Son to save us from the consequences of sin.  There is always help, but again, it's your choice to want and seek it.

The consequences of our choices will be ours personally and eternally. God's Word endures forever. (Isaiah 40:8 and 1 Peter 1:24-25)

Additional thoughts-Back in 2009, when Carrie Prejean, Miss California, answered her final question during the Miss USA pageant, there was outrage and scorn that her answer didn't please those who live a different lifestyle. Her upbringing and belief wasn't pro-homosexuality. Voicing her belief shouldn't be quenched even if some don't agree with it. Why is there a double standard?  Communicating what you know to believe is still a rightful freedom in this country without having to be blackballed because it conflicts with others thoughts and beliefs. Those who want to live a homosexual lifestyle and interject their beliefs on others are making the most noise- they don't want anyone to dispute their lifestyle in any way. I say that Miss Prejean answered her question, 'Should all states legalize same sex marriages?' with style and grace in front of an audience of millions and knowing her answer would probably cost her the Miss USA crown. I commend her and wish I could personally let her know I'm proud she stood firm to her faith, her parents, herself, her God, and answered truthfully as she knew. Her answer rocked the world. Her stance for being true and not caving in and giving an answer so she could win a pageant is commendable no matter what your sexual orientation choice is. I wonder how the other contestants would've answered such a critical and personal question that night? I wonder how I would've answered?

 When I was very young, I remember asking my Mother if I could go do something my friends were doing. I remember my Mom said, "If everyone jumped off a cliff, it doesn't mean you have to."  We all know of someone who's made it their choice to live a homosexual lifestyle. This is a free country. And God has given us a free will. Some choose the homosexual lifestyle and some won't. To each, his/her own and consequences, too.

But the Good News is still the same. God loves all, never the sin. Every person seeking the kingdom of God is welcome no matter their lifestyle or sin. Jesus died for all sins. I was wrong about thinking I had to first get my life in order and straightened up before I could accept Jesus as my savior and become a child of God. If that were the case, I'd still far from the Lord.. There's no way a human can ever be perfect because we're sinners. Our sins are forgiven of God only through what Jesus did on the cross.  There are some habits and sins too strong to overcome and only by the strength of the Holy Spirit can some overcome these bonds that you want freedom from. It's not too late, and the Good News to all is 'Come just as your are with your faults, sins and all to the Lord. Invite Him into your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to work within you and your spirit, and help you have victory in making positive changes you can't do alone. The flesh is weak, but your spirit with the help of the Holy Spirit is mighty. I like the information in the following link-especially the questions regarding homosexuality and being gay are answered at the end.

Bible scripture references- in the Old Testament- Leviticus Chapters 18:22 and  20:13.
New Testament references- Mark 7:20-23; Luke 2:10; Luke 8:10; 1Corinthians 6:9-11; Romans 1:26-27; 1John, Chapter 4

Final thoughts- The ultimate last word happens to be God's alone.

Keeping my face, heart and soul toward the Son.

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