Thursday, December 17, 2020

Your life, the beginning

When is the beginning of life?

There are varying beliefs and views to this question.
Those beliefs and views depend upon variables such as one's education; experiences; environment; religious affiliation; and up-bringing. 
A micro-biologist may have a different view and explanation of when life begins compared to a physician's view, or a woman desiring to get pregnant, or the views of a pro-lifer or a pro-choicer.

Does the definition of the beginning of life boil down to something which can grow and replicate itself if allowed to live so it can have opportunity to do these things?

Or, what is constitutional? as in this article I found.

Or, what is the definition of 'the beginning'.

This is what the Bible says about the beginning of life. 

Scientists have created artificial life.

Scientists are not clear on how and when life began.

This study of when does life begins according to biologists.

And, this poll of when life begins.

In your beginning there's a complete elaborate plan from one human cell.

Think about it-We all had to have a beginning to our life.
                        We were created and known by the Creator of life while                                            growing inside our mother's womb.  

Yes, God knew all about us even before we were born
In fact, He gave our lives to us, and we are here because He created us and allowed us to be bornThe Bible says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5).

QUESTION- The giver of life determines the beginning of life. 
                       Who's to say otherwise?

I conclude with Ravi Zacharias as only he made many ponder on many issues affecting our lives.

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