Monday, July 1, 2019

THE FINAL WORD on same-sex marriage (and everything else for that matter)

Same-sex marriage is an open-ended, continual debate. The consensus on this debate leans heavily on personal interpretation of marriage. Some strongly believe a person should be free to marry a person of their same gender.

The condition of your heart is evident in your choices
Photo credit: kakisky from

This has also brought up debates on the subjects of marriage, who to love, family, and adoption issues because once the deception door was opened, any and everything becomes debatable, questionable and alterable rather than trusting the Creator who designed and created it. Once we alter the original design, the ramifications begin to take an altered cause and effect course. Things get messy, complicated and uneasy- which was not the intended design. Remember, what deceived Eve in the perfect Garden is still very much at work and we can see the ramifications of that deception are sill in play today.

Most secular debates on the topic of same sex marriage ignore what's spelled out clearly in God's written Word.
God created marriage for very important reasons.
Here is a good bit of info on what does the Bible says about homosexuality.
God's Word is pretty clear about a man lying with a man and/or a woman lying with a woman-they are an abomination.
Here are other words to understand what is an 'abomination'.

Does God approve of same-sex marriage?

The debate on marriage -
God created marriage for the purpose of a man and a woman uniting for the purpose of procreating within a loving relationship. Marriage is also meant to mimic the loving-for-life relationship God desires to have with each of us. And the command to go forth and multiply, which is to procreate.
It's not biologically possible for two men or two women to procreate.

The debate on who to love-
Yes, we are to love our neighbor, and even our enemy. Love is very multi-faceted and wide ranging. Perhaps getting the true grasp of the depth of genuine love is something we ought to try to understand more in depth. True, genuine love is grand between two people who want to share their lives together as one. The heart has the capacity for loving strongly and deeply but there are different kinds of loves we can have for different people in our lives. Certainly it's not feasible to marry every person we love and care for. The special bonding love between a husband and wife is just one kind of love. The sacred union of marriage is reserved for a one man and one woman, united as one unit in the sight of God.

The debate on the definition of family-
In a family, the father ( male) and the mother (female) unite to have children who are the created equally of the union of both. Together they share in raising their off-spring is the designed intention of a traditional family. When we alter the traditional family in any way, the children and the family are going to lack something vital and problems are definitely going to become more and more evident with each generation of children.

Professionals have stated the mental health and emotions of children being raised in same-sex marriages are not negatively affected. Politicians are giving the 'thumb's up' for same-sex marriages to be given equal legal footing as traditional marriages are causes untold changes at every level of society. The debate continues.

Here's what one person shares about being raised in a same-sex marriage.

Do the professionals or politicians know what's better than the Creator of love, marriage, family, and children?

The debate on sin-
This debate is also altered with personal interpretation on the definition of sin.
Altering God's Word to fit a person's desire to continue sinning as he wishes is very personal.
The first couple believed a BIG lie and THAT LIE is still perpetuated because the lie satisfies the desire to satisfy the desires of the flesh which feel good and perpetrate evil rather than obey God.
Fulfilling the desires of the flesh make us feel good. And who doesn't want to feel good? But there is much more to us that we don't see which is more important.

When we do what is in direct opposition to God's Word for us, there is a price we are going to ultimately suffer. God is very patiently waiting for us to get enough of suffering at our own expense and wake up and see our mistakes. We can read of those who went against His Word and the consequences they suffered from doing so. A child is warned to not play in the road so they won't get hurt. But if that child's heart is set on playing in the road, they place them self directly in line to be harmed.

Man is too proud to stay within the boundaries set for his safety and good.
he'd rather make his rules he thinks are better than God's protection and goodness,
he'd rather stubbornly continue sinning no matter the cost he's going to endure.

God created mankind for a divine purpose and God's purposes have a divine order. Any tampering or altering or deviation of what God created will bring disastrous conclusions.

The remodeling of family and marriage by Man changes hearts and souls.
This agenda is not pleasing to God and it's dangerous for everyone.
The Enemy is pleased when we sin
Sin is  hurting and damaging to the sinner, not God.

Purpose for marriage.

Joining one man to one woman- is God's design
Photo credit: phaewilk from

God knows best what's best for you. Disobedient against God sets into motion things not ideally best to you in the long run. God is loving and patient and won't violate your will, but His grace and mercy are at work, placing situations and people in your life for you to come around to His wonderful and perfect design for you.

Men and women may interpret that same-sex marriage is fine. However, same-sex marriage is not in accordance with the Word of God, no matter how many professionals deem it to be okay or how many judges grant legality to same-sex marriage.

Same sex marriage is yet another deception and diversion the Master Deceiver is using to counterfeit God's design for marriage and family.

However, God gives us the free will to choose for ourselves. Our free will can choose to love God and His Word freely and wholeheartedly.

Disobedience and sin have a cause and effect- the effect upon a person who willfully sins leads them further and further from God, making them more prideful and foolish, causing them to be unfit to worship God and left without hope. 

  The Truth was given for our benefit but the Truth keeps being ignored and shanghaied
                                                for  something counter to the Truth.   

         Sin blinds the eyes & hardens the heart to a path destined to unpleasantness.

                                                    Sin is disobedience against God.

                                        A sinful lifestyle is willful defiance against God. 

Because of His love, He allows each person their choice and power to choose their destination.

One must choose wisely because there is no way whatsoever anyone can debate God on His Word which prevails upon every matter of His creation.

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