Sunday, June 19, 2011

Three- in- one

I've heard scores of great messages and if I could apply even half what I've learned from each of them, I would be a much better Christian today.  I've taken notes and jotted down things in my Bible and underlined scripture and have stars the margins of my Bible.  But today, one scripture I happened upon in the short book of 1John, fifth chapter, got me to stop and think a bit longer. It's the three-in-one.  This three separate entities make the Christian faith very unique. God is the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit is our counselor, our guide for us and bear witness for us during Jesus's absence on Earth.
These three-in-one have the same goal, same mission, same love, just different manner of showing us. They are different, but at the same time inseparable making up one. Sort of like taking three ingredients, mixing them together making it impossible to unmix them. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all Holy in that way we refer or communicate about them, but they are one. There is nothing impossible for God to do for us. That is the beauty and magnificence in which no other religion on the Earth can compare. God has covered it all in all ways for us. In other words, He's got our back no matter what, no matter when, no matter where.
 Inseparable bound by love

Photo credit: phototogo2 from

Imagine, all the stories and messages I've heard over the years about God.  His Spirit on Earth has been here to bear witness to me when I hear His truth. His Son, came to Earth as a man, the perfect once-and-for-all sacrifice for any person to call upon Him to be their Savior so their sins would be forgiven. And, the Heavenly Father, which can't be seen by our eyes, ( He's too holy for our eyes to see), and is in heaven loving us. All three-in-one, one-in-three, difficult to explain, but nevertheless, I am so thankful my God is supplying all my needs in every way, even paying and providing my sins be forgiven and allowing me to learn the truth of him and how to live in light of pleasing Him.

What are your comments?

Scripture reference-1 John 5:6-8

On the journey of that Son filled road

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ten Commandments reduced to two

Now and then I see car stickers that read, "Keep the Ten Commandments".   I ask myself why keep the Ten Commandments? In my limited knowledge of what I read in my Bible,  Jesus explained that the Ten Commandments are done away with and replaced with just two. Before Jesus came Moses presented the Ten Commandments from God on stone tablets for people to live by. But that was B.C. (before Christ).  When Jesus came, He summed the entire Ten Commandments into two things to do. Jesus broke it down into......... 

1. Love the Lord God with all your might, all your heart, all your mind and all your soul.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself. (your neighbor happens to be any person other than  yourself).

Photo credit: clarita from

The Ten Commandments can be grouped into two categories- what was pleasing to God in your relationship and worship of Him, and, how you are to relate with people.

Jesus summed these two categories also into- love God with all your might and love your neighbor as yourself.  Simple and to the point. Love. If you love, you are doing every commandment.   The Bible is full of stories of love and Jesus definitely showed us about love more than anyone else.

Bottom line- If you desire to know the mind of God and what's pleasing to Him, it's in His written Word, the Bible, and following after Jesus. The Bible is the written story of God's love for us. It's full of examples and people for us to learn from.  It does take time to read and comprehend and apply, but if you really are sincere to know, the Holy Spirit will reveal the mysteries of God's word to you a little at a time. The scriptures come alive and you'll be forever changed as the words in the Bible feed your soul unlike any other words from any other book ever can. Read it for knowledge of who God is, and the mighty love He has for you. God wants His precious creation, us,  to rely upon and trust Him. He is our loving, heavenly Father. When you have the Word in you, there's a change that happens from the inside and expresses itself on the outside in your actions and desires and wants. You'll be more apt to live your life in a manner more pleasing to God, thus showing your love to Him. You will be able to do things you never thought you could with God in your life.  And, when you love your neighbor as you love yourself, you're fulfilling God's Commandments.  God loves all, but hates the sin. We should make it our passion to love as God loves and be patient and forgiving as God is with us. Remember, when you do as Jesus would do, you're doing what's pleasing in God's sight.  Bottom line, the Bible is for you to discover all these wonderful things and to know God's commandments for His people.

Any comments?

scripture references- Matthew 22: 36-40; 1 John 5:1-3;John 14:15; 2John 6

Until next time, keep traveling the upward road with the bright Son as your guide........