Sunday, August 22, 2010

Conserns of the soul

     Driving home from work this morning, thinking and started to feel sad. There are so many people living right now and not the least bit concerned about where they're gonna spend eternity. We're living this life inside an outer fleshly shell, which is designed to last only eighty or so years.  The real you and I is our soul, our spirit, that's made in the image of God.  God is three-in-one, one-in-three- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He's infinite, without limits, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience, always was and always will be, He has no beginning and no end.  Difficult for us mere mortals to grasp our little minds around, because we can't, we're not God.  
     Anyway, there are two deaths no one can escape from and will have to face if you die receiving without receiving Jesus as your savior.  When we breathe our last breath, the flesh dies, this is the death we're familiar with, the first death, but, our soul/spirit never dies. The second death will be for those who did not accept Jesus as their savior, and therefore they will experience this second death which means their soul/spirit will eternally be separated from the presence of God, which is the Lake of Fire, and there can never be any rest from things that are meant for satan and the angels that decided to side with satan because satan thought he could be God. The only thing he could do was try to imitate God, and that's all he is, he performs a great illusion, and he's tricked a many, but he's a liar through and through. Nothing good in him. His plan is to deceive you so you miss your heavenly mansion.  I can assure you, I don't want to be any place for any length of time meant for satan,  Angels are spirit beings as well.   Matter of fact, God has allowed satan to be the little god of this planet earth, which is why we see so much evil going on, but this is not our eternal home The future for saints, whose sins have been forgiven and wiped away by the atoning death and shed blood of God's Son, Jesus, our Savior, the Messiah.
      All saints can look forward to a mansion being prepared by Jesus right now. Satan tried, but failed to stop the wonderful plan God had to spare all of mankind from that second death. God's gift of His Son is extended to every single person- all you have to do is say the words in your own way that you want Jesus to be your Savior and to save you from death that sin carries, and miraculously in the spirit world you'll instantly be adopted into the family of God, angles in heaven will rejoice, and your name will be written in the Book of Life, and your future eternal home amongst streets of gold will be awaiting.  I'd much rather live in a heavenly mansion made just for me than in the Lake of Fire. Eternity is too long to be in the wrong place.                                                      There are many passages in the Holy Book that tells everything I've written about today. The entire Bible tells of the coming of Jesus, the need of Jesus, how Jesus was born and willingly carried out his great mission on earth for you. Jesus went to hell, the three days he was dead and took possession of the keys to death from satan.  Jesus defeated the second death. Your spirit will never have to face that second death if you accept the only way God has designed for heaven. I'm not making any of this up.  God is sinless, so your sins have to be forgiven and wiped away in order to be in heaven. I don't want anyone's soul to exist away from the presence of God when it's just a simple willingness and decision of the heart to decide where your soul/spirit will be for eternity. God has presented His Son to the world for all. Now you need to make your own decision, to accept His Son, or reject His Son. It's a choice of your heart and spirit.  The Truth will set you free indeed.

Jesus will return one day in the sky

Photo credit: click from

Keep your best face toward the Son.
Know that God loves you
Read these scriptures- Romans 6:23, and Romans 6:9-10 and write with your comments

visit my website 

Love- the one thing we're all looking for

    I was blown away today by something that made a lot of sense. In America we overuse the word, 'love'.  We say we 'love' eating, we 'love' watching a certain television program, we 'love' a certain sport, we 'love' our pets, we 'love' chocolate, and of course, 'I love New York'.  What we're saying is we have a strong liking to something.   But the way we use it isn't really the way love is defined. There are three meanings of the word, 'Love'.  It can be agape love, which is the love that is the pure love that you would sacrifice of your self for another person. Then there's eros love, which is the sensual love between a husband and wife, and, third is brotherly love, like love for your fellow man. But most important is when you say you love someone, that person is going to think are you just saying the words? They are going to want you to show your love.  Love is a verb. And the ultimate example is no greater love than to lay down your life, to die for someone-that's showing agape love. God's already proved his love to us.  He sent His Son to die for you, so that you can live, and not die. Your soul will never be separated from God in heaven,  meaning you will never die. The instant you acknowledge that you're a sinner in need of a savior, and that Jesus paid the ultimate price for your sins, saving you from a spiritual death, you will be saved.  The moment you take your last breath, the flesh body, which will die because it's only temporary, but your soul, your spirit, the real you, will be quickened and made alive. If your sins have been forgiven, and this happens the instant you accept Jesus into your heart, you're adopted into the family of God.  And remember God is Spirit. And God has no limits or bounds. He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I know of no other religion where love is shown to man by God Himself to prove how much He loves you, and wants your spirit to live and reside in heaven and not be away from His presence. In heaven, Jesus will be the only one with a non-perfect glorified body- His will be the one with wounds. That proves agape love. God spared not his own Son for the world.

Photo credit: anitapatterson from

I'm not going to use the word 'love' so carelessly from now on.  I would 'like' very much to get your comments. Know that God loves you!
Read these scriptures John 15:13, John 3:16, John 1:1-14 (read the entire book of John)

I just came inside after cutting grass, got cleaned up and I took my homemade facial I blended out of the refrigerator. It was so nice and cool applying it to my face, then I took a 10 minute nap. This facial mixture, I'm calling it 'Afternoon Oat and Vitamin E Delight', was too thin to take a photo of it on my face because it's wasn't very thick, but perfectly fine on my face while napping, and very pleasant to smell, too. After my nap,  I rubbed the facial over my face with my fingers to get a light abrasion from the oatmeal, to rub off surface dead skin cells,  then took a damp washcloth to remove the remainder, and my face feels moist, soft, and delightful.
Here's what's in it- oatmeal (uncooked), Vitamin E oil, aloe vera oil, lavender essential oil, and yogurt mixed together.  This is very nice facial made of natural ingredients to relax with after working outside. I like it.
Oatmeal, Vit.E, aloe vera, and lavender essential oil facial

 Until next time, keep your best face toward the Son.