Saturday, January 5, 2019

Suicide, Suffering, Sin and Jesus

I think I speak for most when I say the subject of death isn't a normal discussion topic.
However, if you or someone close to you are facing a serious, challenging health condition
with a grim prognosis, what does a person think or do?
Would one obsess about death or focus on living to make the most of every day and moment of life?

These are tough questions when you know your days are short numbered.
It's not easy simultaneously focusing your thoughts on dying and living.
Nor is it easy dwelling on the subject of death when you're enjoying health.

I've not been in the shoes of anyone lingering on thoughts of ending one's life.
But, I believe a person can act on ending their life without planning the act.
A sudden change of events can cause a person to taking immediate and drastic actions to end their life without considering the long-term effects on the one's they abruptly leave. As I've already mentioned, I do not have the thought processes of a person in a desperate situation or dilemma.

My first experience of knowing about a person ending their life really got my attention and made me ponder deeply about this. I was a teenager when I heard the news that the woman who lived next door had killed herself. I'm certain her husband and daughter were shocked and devastated. What could have happened to bring her to want or need to do such a thing?

Whenever I hear of someone committing suicide, I still have the same questions.

Much goes on on the inside of a person that is not immediately revealed.
Many things will never be revealed and many questions will go unanswered.

Fame and financial prosperity can't shield anyone from all the problems/ills/challenges one may encounter. 

Two examples here-

Robin Williams- former actor and comedian
He was funny, talented comedian and actor, adored by his family and millions of fans. I even remember of him communicating though sign language with a Koko, the gorilla.

Mr. William's wife says Robin was suffering from more than one brain disorder which were not going to improve.

No one wants so suffer from a disorder of any sort-it can be devastating and life changing.
We were all shocked when we heard the news that Robin Williams ended his life.

Rick Genest (Zombie Boy)-body-tattooed model
Rick was diagnosed with a brain tumor when he was 15. From reading about him he became obsessed with macabre. Insect and skeletal tattoos covered nearly his entire body, including his skull and face. Could looking at his reflection in the mirror have had an effect on his self-image and mindset?
Could the ill effects of having had a brain tumor still affected Rick. I couldn't find any definite reason or reasons why he committed suicide when he was in his 20's.
Click here to see his tattoos covered by a concealer.

We aren't privy to everything about a person-their heart, their soul, nor their motives to gain insight why they chose to end their lives.
Neither riches or fame are proven to insulate a person from whatever may cause thoughts to end one's life.
Thoughts playing in one's mind can be so convincing and lead one into taking action steps within moments.

Please, please, please immediately seek professional help (call 911) if you ever have thoughts of ending your life. You are needed and your life is precious and very valuable.
Each of us should be reminded of this from time to time.
Each and every life is very valuable, needed and worth living to the fullest.

And, there are some faced with a choice of life or death- having to make a serious choice to end their baby's life or let it live.
My recommendation is decide to place life in the hands of the one who created life.

There are many other examples to write on this controversial and complex subject, but I'm left pondering situations and causes to why some might want to end their life-
Chronic, debilitating pain
Physical disfigurement
Feeling unloved or abandoned
Incarceration for life
Public humiliation
Loss of a dear, loved one
No purpose or fulfilling goal to pursue
                                                                                                                                                                    Many have suffered but were able to recover from the above heart-jerking agony to enjoy fulfilling lives once again or for the first time.
When you can't get from under the heaviness that's stealing your joy, seek help so you can start on the journey toward better days.

One thing for sure.
Our Lord and Savior took the heavy load of a world of sin upon His shoulders.
He took it all and He suffered horribly, publicly, and bled profusely.
He did not deserve any of the suffering or torture that he endured.
Jesus suffered while taking the suffering He did not deserve. He did it for you and me.
He suffered so any suffering we endure in this life will one day end, and we will experience an eternity of glory beyond our most extreme imagination anyone could ever imagine.
For believers, the best is yet to come.

Read the testimony at the end here-a persona's suffering was seen as a blessing.

I believe suffering has it's place.
In suffering we get a taste of what Jesus went through for us.
Our hope is this suffering is temporary, because one day we'll join Him in glory.
Our life here is just a vapor. Eternity is forever.
With that in mind, that's why we are to share the good news with everyone.
Whatever is afflicting your body and/or mind will not continue forever.
Yes, years ago when I was going though a time when I could not see how I was going to survive, I had a momentary thought of ending it all, but a small voice told me, "Hang on, just hang on. Jesus loves you unconditionally and forever."

Suffering isn't what anyone pines to experience.
But the Lord can use even suffering for a better tomorrow for you and I.
There is hope, a future and life in and through Jesus, The VICTOR over spiritual death.
There is life everlasting through Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah.

There may be suffering for a while, but it can't compare to the great glory that awaits those who trust in the Lord.

Action steps-
-Believe Jesus is the Son of God. 
-Ask Him (Jesus) to save you from the penalty of your sins.
-Invite Him into your heart and your life. 
-Thank and praise Him for having bore the penalty of your sins, thus saving you from spiritual 
-Repent of your sins. 
-Make it your passion to live a life pleasing to Him. 
- Meet with other believers, read and mediate upon the Word to grow spiritually in the Lord and deepen your relationship with the Lord.

Jesus is to be trusted and believed
Believers aren't perfect but their sins are forgiven and they are permanently secure in the Lord.  
So, welcome into the family of God as one of His precious adopted children, and heir to His Kingdom. 
Your quickened spirit shall never die because it is alive with the Son of God.