Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Laminin- how awesome a cohesive molecule!

Laminin. Have your heard of it?

Laminin is a protein molecule like no other molecule.
Basically, you're held together by laminin.

Watch and listen to this video!

The tissues of your body are held together by a cross-shaped protein.
That is just like something God would design.

After learning about laminin, I can see this as one more thing pointing to what Christ accomplished on the cross. The cross symbolizes we have hope because our Lord bore the penalty of our sins in full view on the Cross of Calvary for us. Because of what He did, all things are held together by Him, for Him and through Him. This is even symbolized inside the molecules of our bodies! How awesome is that!

Yes, the Creator of the universe fashioned our bodies together fabulously and wonderfully!
Simply mind-blowing awesome!

Take a look what this site shares about laminin.