Thursday, March 8, 2012

Who says you're entitled anything?

I think the 'spirit of entitlement' has gotten a little out of hand. It's getting close to total disregard for the pride of working toward earning something.  Today, it's 'I want it because I want it..and I will have it by taking it from someone or put my claim to it no matter what.' Almost gone are the days of working toward earning something, gone are the days of proceeding through the channels designed to make a person have the good feeling of accomplishing something worthwhile.
Today, force your way in and take it, push aside the law and neglect who you've stepped on to have what you want.

What's taken by breaking the law is not right

Photo credit: Alvimann from

Let me paint a  picture of what I'm talking about. Lets say you have a nice home and yard which you've worked many years in order to come up with a down payment and then work on your job to save to be able to purchase items to add to your home.  You went to school to learn a trade, qualified for a good job, and  earned enough for a down payment for your home and work to keep in maintained inside and out, including paying taxes.  You decide to take a much needed vacation. While you're away, someone breaks into your home and makes themselves comfortable in your home. This family likes your home so much, they claim it's now their home. You come back from your vacation to find this family occupying your home. They say, this home is large enough for all- you live on the main floor and we will live in one bedroom and come and go as we please, we won't bother you. We will pay for our expenses and you keep the house in your name, pay the taxes, but we want to live here because we like it here. Is this family entitled? This is also an example of what's happened to those who've broken through our country's borders and want our country's laws to cater to them just because they like it here. 

Here's another picture-Let's say you've worked and saved to purchase items for your home.  Someone breaks in and steals your belongings. They've stolen what isn't theirs. Is this person entitled to your things? Of course not. This person is found guilty of trespassing and stealing, and now has to pay the penalty for this crime.

While incarcerated, this person wants the pleasure of color television with access to the best books and gets a free education with three free meals every day without having to work to earn any of this. While incarcerated he expects to be treated as if he's a guest in a hotel with access to a workout room, play games, talk on the phone, have visitors- in general, paying the penalty of a crime is actually an easy time with benefits. Is this person entitled to have these pleasures for breaking the law and violating home of another?

Each of the above examples show how people want to have what they desire, but without regard for earning it and disrespecting the rights and privileges of those who've earned the right of possession.  The 'spirit of entitlement' is rampantly spreading out of control faster than a wildfire on a dry, breezy day.

Stay within the laws of God and the land

Photo credit: cohdra from

Bottom line- Every thing belongs to God. We are just the users and care takers. There are such things as being greedy, haughty, and selfish. Neither does God want anyone to disrespectful of the rights of others.        Question- Who says anyone's entitled to have anything? Answer-God does, but within respectful boundaries that make possessing anything equally fair and right to all.

Scripture references-

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Scientists, space, and the missing day

For all the scientists out there, and for all the students who have a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible, here's something that shows God's awesome creation, and that He is still in control.

Did you know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called 'myth' in the Bible is true?

Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, Maryland, and a consultant in the space program, relates the following development.

'I think one of the most amazing things that God has done for us today happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland.

Created by God- every planet, time & outerspace

Photo credit: wallyir from

They were checking out where the positions of the sun, moon, and planets would be 100 years and 1,000 years from now.  We have to know this so we won't send up a satellite and have it bump into something later on in its orbits.

We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the satellite and where the planets will be so the whole thing will not bog down.

They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the centuries, and it came to a halt.  The computer stopped and put up a red signal, which meant that there was something wrong with either the information fed into it or with the results as compared to the standards.

They called in the service department to check it out, and they said, 'What's wrong?'  Well, they found there is a day missing in space in elapsed time.

They scratched their heads and tore their hair out. There was no answer.

Finally a Christian man on the team said, 'You know, one time I was in Sunday School, and they talked about the sun standing still.'  While they didn't believe him, they didn't have an answer either, so they said, 'Show us, '

He got a Bible and went to the book of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement for any one with 'common sense.'

There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, 'Fear them not, I have delivered them into thy hand; there shall not a man of them stand before Thee.'

Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy!  And

If darkness fell, they would overpower them.  So Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun stand still!  That's right.... 'The sun stood still and the moon stayed and lasted not to go down about a whole day!'  (Joshua 10:12-13)

The astronauts and scientists said, there is the missing day!  They checked the computers going back into the time it was written and found it was close but not close enough.  The elapsed time that was missing back in Joshua's day was
23 hours and 20 minutes.....not quite a whole day.

They read the Bible, and there it was about [approximately] a day.  These little words in the Bible are important, but they were still in trouble because if you cannot account for 40 minutes, you'll still be in trouble 1000 years from now.

Forty minutes had to be found because it can be multiplied many times over in orbits.  As the Christian employee thought about it, he remembered somewhere in the Bible where it said the sun went BACKWARDS.

The scientists told him he was out of his mind, but they got out the Book and read these words in 2 Kings that told of the following story:  Hezekiah, on his death bed, was visited by the prophet Isaiah who told him that he was not going to die.  Hezekiah asked for a sign as proof.  Isaiah said 'Do you want the sun to go ahead 10 degrees?'

Hezekiah said, 'It is nothing for the sun to go ahead 10 degrees, but let the shadow return backward 10 degrees.'  Isaiah spoke to the Lord, and the Lord brought the shadow ten degrees BACKWARD!  Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes!'

Twenty-three hours and 20 minutes in Joshua, plus 40 minutes in Second Kings make the missing day in the universe!  Isn't God so amazing?

References:  Joshua 10:8, 12-13 and 2 Kings 20:9-11.

(the above was taken from an email I received. I didn't get the author of who had written this so I could give credit,but you can look up the scripture references which gives credit to God. For most of creation, Man has not devised anything that can measure the vastness and greatness of all that God has done and I don't think Man ever will be able to measure God. But that's where some old fashion 'faith' comes in quite adequately).

Keeping on the narrow path where it's never crowded....