Wednesday, July 30, 2014

An amazing book with a valuabe, life-giving message

It's a book comprised of many books. And together, the continuing story, the saga, the conflicts and drama---a lead up to the long awaited Messiah coming on the scene. The Bible tells of the future of mankind and spiritual beings.   The Bible. The Holy Word of God. It tells of history so we can learn. And it tells of the future so we can be prepared.

Five reasons why this book is 'THE' book printed and read more than any other book in the world.

The Bible has a message for you. God speaks his personal message to you in his written Word. You can only know it if you read it. In His Word you will find out about him, about what people did in the past and what happened to them. It tells about people who drew near and worshiped God and about people who distanced themselves from God and worshiped idols.

God's Holy Word for you to read

Photo credit: RoganJosh from

You will discover a lot about yourself in the stories in the Bible. Man and woman haven't changed that much at all in their wants and desires. God knows us all too well.

But you won't know anything unless you open the book and read it for yourself. Even reading a page a day will be to your benefit.

The Bible is a spiritual book and speaks to the spirit of man.  When you're on the same spiritual channel, it's a truly amazing book.

No other book has changed more lives than the Bible.

Has your spirit been married with the Holy Spirit so the pages of the Bible come to life for you and for a change in your life that's nothing short of miraculous.

The message is simple. Your spirit is brought to life and quickened when you choose to believe.
 Jesus walked on earth as the embodiment of God in the flesh.
He came to give life. Your spiritual life.
Your sin debt stands between you and a Holy God. Jesus is the Mediator between
God and Man.
Don't delay in accepting Jesus into your heart to be your lord and savior. It's the most important decision in all of eternity you will make.
Choose Jesus and you choose your valuable, precious spirit life.

God's message for LIFE is within the pages

Photo credit: jeltovski from

God wants you to have spiritual life. How you can have life is by the Way, the Truth and the Life, found within His Son, Jesus.   

P.S. The gift of life is free.
You can't earn it or work for it or deserve it.
It's totally free.
All you have to do is ask Jesus into your heart and it's yours because God loves you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The clash still rages loudly

The middle East is a hot-bed of war and hate. The sentiment has trickled down from man to their sons and to young women taking their stand in the hostile actions of that land. The war has been a long one with no end in sight- only more loaded barrels, rockets and explosives aimed at each other.

Why such hostility?

The Muslims, including neighboring Arab countries and Palestinians want the Israelis out of the land.
This is the battle involving the entire world. It's a battle not only of who has the right to the land, but who's religion and who's God is supreme.

The stakes are too high for one side to give up anything. The life one loses or sacrifices are mounting daily.

Hate and hostility has sunk to deeper depths. I can't begin to understand what it must be like to live in a land where every day war rages with more killings.
Is there any possibility of peace in the Middle East?
Is there any win-win solution for these two groups of people living on this planet?
How much more killing and death? Is this solving anything?

Photo credit: KingofColeslaw from

Now, the story of a young Palestinian woman, Wafa al-Biri, is one that touches me.
I can't imagine what her life has been to have brought her to want to be a martyr.

She's most likely suffered by seeing more death than any young person should be exposed to in the refugee camp where she lived and this affected her so deeply that the only way she saw to escape was to inflect and reciprocate the same in retaliation and end her suffering at the same time.

A very unfortunate accident started all this which caused extensive burns over her body.
She needed special medical treatments to survive the infections and she was able to receive skin grafting free of charge for her burns at a Jewish clinic.
She survived and her wounds healed, but not her emotions. And she was left with some disfigurement. This would be difficult and tragic for anyone.
In addition to her physical suffering, she must have been doubly devastated when her fiance backed out on her, and her situation brought shame to her brothers and other family members.
She must have felt her suffering was unbearable and was never going to end.

She entertained the thought of being a martyr as her only way to end her suffering.

Militants were all to eager to grant her her wish and showed her just how to make the most of her willingness to end her life and supplied her with explosives and instructions.

This young woman was willing to take the lives of those who had personally cared for her over the course of half a year in the burn clinic.

She knew the names of the people who had treated her in the clinic.
She knew they didn't have to treat and care for her.
But they did.

Watch this video of a 21 year old woman who attempted to be a suicide bomber.

I have never been burned to need skin grafting. But I do know it's a choice what a person can do with the rest of their life after severe burns.
This man chose to inspire and be a positive influence after his burn accident.

There has been fighting in the Middle East for a long time.

What the Bible says about war in the Middle East.

In war, there are no rules but to survive or die with the hope of having made a final stand.

God have mercy upon one and all.